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My Community

I decided to start blogs again. I realized that after I told my story, which I didn’t believe was interesting, that I had no idea what I wanted to write about. And it’s not that my story wasn’t interesting; it’s just that I didn’t react in an interesting way. Everyone was so sad, so worried, wanted to visit me, wanted to mourn, wanted to fix me, etc. Me? I took it all in with an attitude that said, “God if it’s my time to go, I’ll go without fighting.” And that makes my story not very exciting. 

I was a willing participant. So yeah…I’m d/Deaf. SUSAC sucked and I’m still affected by it in ways the doctors didn’t realize as it is extremely rare— not to mention just plain difficult— to diagnose. However; it is still something I’m hesitant to write about because I take everything that it throws at me with a smile (or an eye roll 🙄 ) lol. It makes my writing unconcerned because I’m not concerned. I have faith. I trust that everything happens for a reason. I’m good with whatever SUSAC/life throws at me. 

That being said, I do have a dying passion that I realized I can write about everyday: Running. Someone told me to find my niche; my community. I was searching but my people eluded me. I tried the d/Deaf community. I know two d/Deaf people: One of whom lives in Ohio (I’m in North Carolina) and the other who made some comments I didn’t appreciate (nor did my friends) so I rarely see her. I’m not saying the d/Deaf community isn’t mine. I am saying, unfortunately, there isn’t a big one around me. 

So then, I thought, “What about the weight lifting community?” since I lift. I was going to do a body-building competition. I like to film my videos to make sure I’m doing the correct form. That was a natural next community to become a part of. No. An actual BIG NO for me. I still lift, but now my lifts are one hundred percent geared towards making my runs faster.


Next I tried the book community. I write anime fan fiction, science fiction novels, and fantasy worlds. I honestly will never stop writing. I’ve been writing since I discovered Harry Potter. That was in Middle School. I’m 33 now. So I’ve been creating stories the majority of my life. I made an Instagram page for my writing so you could say I’m still trying to be apart of that community. 

However; I then sat and really thought about what is it that I enjoy doing, can do well, can educate people how to do just as well, will never stop doing or learning about.


Let me learn ya something y'all: Running is not just good for cardiovascular health. Its also an escape from this world. It’s therapeutic. It pushes your body to the limits, but also makes you the happiest person in the world as soon as you reach your goal for that run.


It’s the easiest sport to start: Just put one foot in front of the other. You are over halfway there already as you are probably walking. Just go a little faster. Granted, I am very aware I am blessed to be able to run. Especially after what happened to me. I know there are people that cannot run. I decided that some future posts will be about if you are unable to run, what can you do to stimulate your body the way running does. 

So basically this was a re-introduction post. This blog will mainly center around running, places to run, training, nutrition for runners, etc. I’m still d/Deaf, I’m still learning ASL, I still write, I still lift weights, I still grapple, I still hope to travel more, I still work on a farm; however, running is my life and that part of my life I am enthused to share. So welcome, and keep a lookout for my next blog post! Have a blessed day all my dudes! 

FYI I plan to post a blog and a chapter in my Naruto fan fiction story every Monday 🤟 

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