Have you ever had something unforeseen happen to you? Something that changed everything you thought to be true? Something that changed you and not just physically but mentally, spiritually and I’ll dare to say, culturally? Like your DNA was rewritten and you woke up a completely new person?
Whether it happened to you or not, it did happen to me. In 2017 my world was completely flipped upside down…I say that because one minute I was living my life as one person and the next, I was a completely different person. My life as I knew it was gone but looking back, I know now that because that happened, I am where I am today. Of course, this was completely unanticipated, but it was a huge eyes opener.
When I look back on this event in my life, I realize a silent wish was answered…over a decade after I’d had just the inkling of a thought, I watched God work in a mysterious way. Now, at the age of 32, I’m realizing how accurate that phrase is.
My unexpected story is unique. Or at least from what I’ve been told, a similar story hasn’t been written before. But before I start, I should let you know a little about myself. My birth name is Chelsea, though very few people outside my blood relatives call me that. I go by Carter to most and one person in particular calls me Chels. That person I have to thank for always supporting me and giving me the courage to start this blog.
Who I am is hard to describe as I’m still figuring her out. So for now, I’ll just list certain facts about me. I’m 32, but I look around 22. It gives me immense joy to have people guess my age 😆. I have 3 degrees, none of which I am currently using. Instead, I work at a horse farm I’d say I am way overqualified for, but I fell in love with the horses and they won’t let me leave.
My mission in life is complicated. I have a million different hobbies I love and I have one thing in particular I believed in my heart of hearts to have been my calling. Honestly, I still do. Sadly, (not unfortunately because everything goes according to God’s plan and our plan doesn’t come close to comparing) I became deaf due to an autoimmune at the age of 26 OR 27. I say OR because I didn’t start labeling myself as deaf until I was 27. I was still trying to be “hearing” for this auditory focused world. However; being deaf is by far the least interesting thing about me. About any deaf person if I’m honest.
As far as this blog is concerned, it won’t have a certain theme. I’m a chaotic person. My mind is all over the place. My life is all jumbled. My emotions are like a roller coster. I never have a linear chain of thought. So I’ll be talking about whatever comes to my mind that week. We will go over what it’s like loosing your hearing within a month, what I “can” and “can’t” hear, learning a new language, what it’s like working on a horse farm, what it’s like having your whole existence questioned, my faith, my goals, my life. Basically, anything goes. I was told I’m not as boring as I think I am so here’s to hoping everyone who reads this finds my life interesting enough to follow along.
SO why write a blog?
It won’t make you any money.
Your life isn’t that interesting.
Nobody cares about your story.
You can’t reach anyone.
To be honest, I don’t know. I’m not much of a blogger. I’m not good at talking about myself. I tried for a second on Instagram and TikTok but stopped because it was uncomfortable for me. I also didn’t know who I was. I kind of still don’t. And I feel like that is a lot of people in this world today. We have every social media, news, tv channel, actor/actress, even family outlets telling us who we are. Who we are supposed to be. So many conflicting sources. No wonder so many people don’t know who they are. Even if they say they do, I guarantee it was taken from someone or something else.
I think this world has lost it’s foundation. Has lost the ability to see the overwhelming amount of blessings in every turn of life. Has lost the ability to see uniqueness as special in the eyes of our Father. Grace and faith are there, but we can no longer see them. Our vision is clouded.
So my why, is hope. Hopefully my story can reach even just one person and change their way of looking at the world. Change the perspective of thinking everyone has to be the same or think the same. Hopefully my trials will inspire people to fight relentlessly and understand that loss is just one door closing and another opening. Hopefully, my life can spark a fire in some person to go out and seek adventure; to seek the unknown. Hopefully, I can convince someone that even if you’re in a low place, you won’t stay there. Hopefully, together, we can grow.
I will tell my story, or at least as much of it as I am comfortable telling, in the hope that I can reach someone. It doesn’t matter how or why I reach them. Just that I do. If just one person will grow from my experiences, will start to see the beauty of this world and have peace and joy wash over them, this blog will be worth it 🙏
So, all my dudes, have a blessed week and I’ll talk to you next time!
*Fyi before anyone comments, dude is a phrase I use more than any other 😂